วันเสาร์ที่ 31 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

$$ Get a Best Cheap JamHub BedRoom Silent Rehearsal Studio

!!!! Get a Buy Online JamHub BedRoom Silent Rehearsal Studio

JamHub BedRoom Silent Rehearsal Studio Info

Products Brand : Breedlove Guitar Co.
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JamHub BedRoom Silent Rehearsal Studio Details

Are you tired of the nasty way your neighbors stare at you? Are you sick of paying off pricey noise violations? It's not your fault that drums and guitars are so loud! But what if you could make your practices nearly silent while still having all the fun of a full-volume practice? That's exactly what you get with JamHub BedRoom! With enough channels to plug in up to five band members (15 inputs and 10 audio channels!), the whole band custom builds their perfect headphone mix. This both eliminates your practice volume (making the neighbors happy) and gives each band member a better idea of what's going on. It's a win-win!
  • 5 sections for up to 4 musicians + recording/rear channel
  • 15 audio channels, 5 stereo inputs, 5 mic inputs, 5 headphone outputs
  • One SoleMix remote jack (remote not included)
  • Analog recording via "R" section
  • Sixteen 24-bit effects
  • See More Details >>

    Breedlove Guitar Co.''JamHub BedRoom Silent Rehearsal Studio

