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Remo DJ001205 Key-Tuned Djembe Info
Products Brand : Remo
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Remo DJ001205 Key-Tuned Djembe Details
REMO'S key-tuned djembe have had great success as the most user friendly djembe in the world.
With features like portability, tenability, durability, and playability it's no wonder why it is the choice for thousands and thousands of professional and recreational drummers for years.These Djembes feature the KinteKloth design FabriFinish. The djembe is the former "long distance phone" of West Africa.Presently the djembe is the most popular African drum played in Europe. Based on the traditional djembe tone and form, combined with Remo's modern advances, these drums have a wide tonal range with crystal clear heights and a rich deep bass sound.See More Details >>