**Get a Find Shop AudioBox1818 VSL- Advanced 18x18 USB 2.0 recording interface

AudioBox1818 VSL- Advanced 18x18 USB 2.0 recording interface Info
Products Brand : PreSonus
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AudioBox1818 VSL- Advanced 18x18 USB 2.0 recording interface Details
Advanced 18x18 USB 2.0 recording interface
24-bit / 96k 18 x 18 USB 2.0 recording interface, with ADAT I/O for expansion of I/O8 Class A XMAX mic/instrument preamps, with MIDI, S/PDIF, & ADAT I/OVSL (Virtual Studio Live) 26x8 Kernel mode DSP MixerBundle for Mac® and Windows® includes PreSonus Studio One Artist(TM) DAW, Capture(TM) live-recording software, Virtual StudioLive(TM) mixer-control software. Free StudioLive Remote iPad® wireless-control software available at the Apple App StoreSee More Details >>