^^^^ Get a Save Price Fender Greta 120v
Fender Greta 120v Info
Products Brand : Fender Musical Instruments Corp.Saving Price : Click Here! >>

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Fender Greta 120v Details
In the playfully diminutive form of a vintage tabletop radio, thePawn Shop Special Greta model is quite possibly the most unusualFender tube amp ever. In fact, nobody would blame you if you sawa Greta and, not yet realizing its true identity, tried to tune in thelocal weather on it…But an amp is exactly what it is-a two-watt tabletop beauty with a 4"Special Design speaker, old-school VU meter with “clean tooverload" indicator display and simple volume and tone controls. Itscharmingly vintage-style enclosure has front and rear wood panelsfinished in bright red, gold-finished metal top and sides forincreased shielding, “Greta" script badge on the front panel andtabletop feet. Under the hood and on the back panel, the Gretafeatures a single 12AT7 output tube and 12AX7 preamp tube, witha 1/4" instrument jack and 1/4" line out jack (for preamp use withanother amplifier). Greta produces a variety of low-volume cleanand overdriven guitar tones, but even if you never plug a guitar intoit, the 1/8" back-panel auxiliary input is perfect for iPod or othermedia player use, with great mono tube playback sound that’ll haveyou rocking right there at your desk.